Najeeba, a widow, lives with her 9 children in a small room in Al-Shammasi area. The only son who used to provide for the family had an accident and couldn’t work since, due the ensuing trauma.
It was a glad surprise for Najeeba when the project targeted her because, most of the time, her family can’t afford to have bread due to the war and unemployment. Her inability to provide food for herself and her family had deeply tormented her. If they have food today it is more likely they will have nothing to eat the next day.
“This [bread distribution] is a very successful project. We can’t buy bread, and we can’t prepare it too,” Najeeba said. “Thank you Human Appeal and HFY for supporting us. Though we only complain about our destitute to Allah, whom He knows best and sees all, we are saved with this project,” she said with tearful eyes.
When asked about the family’s other needs she said she needs shelter items such as mattresses and pillows for her children.