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Life-Saving Food Aid Project for Elderly and their Families in Taiz Governorate – Yemen

    The Humanitarian Forum – Yemen, funded by the STC organization, implemented the life-saving food aid project for the elderly and their families in Taiz Governorate – Yemen, during the period 12/10/2020 to 1/10/2021.

    The project aims to provide urgent food aid and safe drinking water to save the lives of 50 elderly people in Taiz – Cairo Directorate for once. 50 elderly people were targeted in Cairo district- Taiz by distributing integrated food baskets for elderly food in addition to integrated food baskets for the elderly families. The project also aimed to provide food aid in the form of integrated food baskets to 50 poor families in Cairo district -Taiz.

    The total number of beneficiaries of this project has reached 683 direct beneficiaries.

    Most beneficiaries expressed their sincere thanks to the Humanitarian Forum – Yemen and the donor organization.