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Abdulkafi’s Story

    Funding: STC Foundation
    Year: 2020
    Targeted Areas: Taiz Governorate - Yemen

    When calamity strikes, the blow can send you reeling to the ground, and you may not be able to stand up again.
    Abdulkafi, a chikungunya survivor, suffers from heart disease and thrombosis. He lives in a single crowded room with his 8-member family. He is languishing alone, and his inability to attend to the needs of his family makes his life a living hell.
    The project team found him during the field survey, he was surely eligible for the aid provided by STC and the Humanitarian Forum. He was given the food basket and hygiene kit, which proved to be of utter importance to the household. He is spared the expenses of food for one month and that meant he can buy medicine. He expressed his thankfulness to the STC and the Forum for the efforts excreted in helping needy people like him